Sunday 17 March 2013

What makes people work - money? recognition? passion?

We all work for many reasons mostly because we have to. This has always remained a perennial question for every generation. What pushes you to work? It is a foregone conclusion that to sustain ourselves we work but apart from that there can be a few kicks which make you go to office every day. For some people money takes them to their work place while for many others something else gives them the tonic needed to work.

It is my hypothesis that the generation which worked during the course of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s worked more for recognition than anything else but now with the changing dynamics of economy the priorities have taken a paradigm shift too. The bank balances and pay cheques have assumed greater importance in today’s India grappling with the ever rising inflation.

Life is not a bed of roses and in these times living expenses have burnt hole in pockets of many people. In this case the financial rewards help. Money can bring motivation especially for the sales people. For the people with meagre salary money is everything and as gradually we move up the ladder of management structure in an organization the reasons for working change. It is important for any employer to reward his employees suitably for the extra effort which he always demands from them. Granted, many people go to work every day to bring that all important pay cheque. But that amount alone is worth the effort of grinding away for more than 45 hours a week? Is that everything? No.

People strive to better themselves to gain recognition in the workplace. Be it anyone-Boss, co-worker every person wants to be recognized for the work that they have been putting in. It is deeply rooted in the fabric of humans to crave for attention, recognition or even appreciation. But over and above all this, recognition gives us a kind of satisfaction which no amount of money could ever provide. A few weeks back, I read in a newspaper that many companies have now started ‘employee recognition’ program; some way of trying to motivate its employees to work harder. Sometimes ‘employee of the month’ are all the titles on signs and plaques that can be seen in the lounge of many offices. Employees will remember that moment. It is just that feeling of appreciation makes any job bearable. Also it cannot be ruled out that recognition wins loyalty.

But the thing which can provide endless motivation to do any work is passion. When any person becomes ‘passionate’ about the work he is doing then rest assured that he doesn’t require any other thing for motivation. Passion brings out the dedication, grit, determination and what not. It is the passion to play cricket which makes Sachin Tendulkar the greatest of them all. Nothing seems impossible when you are in that sort of frame of mind. A person, full of passion will not stop even after achieving heights. And in the process you achieve a certain degree of satisfaction that you did your best irrespective of anything else. However, for an average person to suddenly infuse passion for his work is simply asking way too much. It is important for anyone to not let that passion taper off. Only some of the enlightened souls (read Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachchan and Lata Mangeshkar) maintain that for a long time.

For any individual it is important to find the right reason which makes you work or even study. That reason should stay with you for preferably a longer duration of time which would help in achieving excellence. In the end it all depends on how a person perceives work. For some of them work is their ‘dharma.’ And for some it is no less than irritation.


  1. To be honest, this is your first article that I've read. I am impressed the way you wrote about What makes the an individual work? . We all engage in our day to day activities. The basic motivation is that we all want to earn enough money to suffice our needs. I always wondered, why some of them are not able to do that? Why people starve?
    The answer I always got was "poor people don't earn because they are not educated and they don't believe in doing hard work". But the real answer was always in front of me. It is in front of all of us. I won't be able to explain it here. I suggest you to find the facts about the working of the MONETARY SYSTEM. How money is printed and circulated. How money creates debt and makes people starve. I may be wrong but it would be worth reading the facts of the system in which we live.

  2. Agree to your view that poor people don't earn because they are not educated. But some of them tend to indulge in some addiction instead of working hard. I concur with your view that Money creates debt. Monetary system doesn't help in this case. Any way Thanks for sharing your views.

  3. That is not my view point. That is the answer we always get. But have you ever imagined that only principal amount gets printed in the system and whereas no Interest amount exists. It creates deficit and scarcity. Even If we dream about the world "the Utopian world", it can never come into existence. There will be always a class of people starving. Sorry I diverted the topic but I felt like sharing it.


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