Saturday 28 December 2013

The quiet struggle in our lives

Life changes quickly. Instantly. And then we try and reminisce the moment it changed and realize how simple and ordinary it was. How everything was normal when that moment which changed our lives happened. But, then as it’s been said before as well; life is not a bed of roses there are thorns too. I think of our daily and sometimes monotonous lives, the frustrations we endure. I think how we struggle through the platitudinous nature of our lives; buying groceries, standing in long queues, paying bills, cleaning everything, managing the house. Even at work, some petty issues put us in a spot of bother; we get bogged down by seemingly harmless things.

I think of all this and could not help but wonder that it this struggle which brings out the real value of our special moments. I myself get trapped into this web of struggle but the key is always to move on after a storm. Sometimes life can totally screw us. No matter how hard we try; we do not get the desired results because of different reasons like financial problems, failed relationships or other things which exhaust us. But it’s in pain and struggle that we experience growth. Pain, struggle and defeat show us who we are.

 The people around us enjoy success and life seems very easy for them. So we ask ourselves ‘Why is it a struggle for me?’ And yes there are some events which do not go in our way as we would’ve liked it to, like family tragedies, illness etc. These events are beyond our control and these I believe cause a lot of pain, agony and stress to us.

But, let’s face it to live a successful life we need to embrace every pain that life throws at us this will allow us to grow and improve as a person. Once we endure pain then life becomes a lot more beautiful, we get to know how our people are. We also need to love and accept ourselves with whatever talent, skill and limitations which we have. At the same time it is very difficult to implement what I have written but we can at least try our level best to do so.           
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