Thursday 27 September 2012

The curious case of 'Social Networking Sites'

Cyberspaces, a tool which has made many people hooked on to it endlessly has been a subject of constant debate in recent years. It can be safely assumed that a person who keeps himself secluded from Cyberspace is like a man who prefers bullock cart to car. With the advent of this 'Internatic' era, we are blessed with infinite inventions Emails, Blogs, Websites and of course the numerous Social Networking Sites. Some of the popular Social Networking Sites are Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Bigadda, My Space, Tumblr, Hi5 and the list is ceaseless. Still in a diverse country such as ours some brains still come up with a question that 'What is a Social Networking Site?' 

In a common language 'Social Networking Sites' are referred to as web-based services which allows individuals to construct  a public profile supporting a wide range of interests enabling them to communicate  with other users with whom they share a connection. The nature of the connection may vary from site to site wherein some cater to diverse audience while others attract people in a different manner. The Sites also vary in their offerings like blogs, photo-video sharing etc.
There have been plenty of debates and deliberations regarding merits and demerits of these sites across the world. But one thing is very sure that they are here to stay and with that its usage assumes all the significance. The driving factor behind these sites has been the human tendency to connect and communicate with other people. It has been a foregone conclusion that 'Man is a social animal' and hence it is in their genes to connect with the known and unknown to display their feelings and emotions. From a psychological perspective, the virtual world helps to keep your super ego miles away. You can always be who you are rather pretending or disguising one's own true identity.
 These sites also enable a person to expand his business with the global exposure he gets. In addition to this, it helps a person communicate with efficiency and go out of the social boundaries.

On the flip side, like the old adage 'Every coin has two sides', there are some issues that crop up with these facilities. Cyber stalking is firmly rooted of those. One can never be sure of the profile being real or fake. Sometimes the fake profiles contain some private details of the person whose profile has been created this way. Another thing adding fuel to the fire is the problem of hacking and identities being stolen. It instigates misuse of important information and data. The ever increasing threat of hacking has germinated into a serious issue these days.
But keeping all these elements aside, it is a compulsive obsessive disorder found generally in teenagers and youngsters due to the extreme involvement and attachment with it. The fondness for these sites has reached its crescendo with many people living in an 'imaginative world'. It certainly turns out to be time and money consuming due to useless chatting which differs with individuals. You need to be moderate user of this to prevent yourself from becoming a addict of it. A judicious use will always be fruitful. Some of the golden precautions are like never put your personal information like address, contact details, pictures, videos etc.
It is upto you to save yourself from drowning into the swamp. Its again you who can experience the pain and agony if its not handled with care and diligence.

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